Construct BST from Postorder
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Given postorder traversal of a Binary Search Tree, you need to complete the function constructTree() which will create a BST. The output will be the inorder of the constructed BST.
Input: The constructTree() method consist of two arguments as input, the array consisting of the post order traversal and the size of the array.
Output: Print the Inorder traversal of the constructed BST.
Constraints: 1 <= T <= 100 1 <= N <= 100
Example: Input: 2 6 1 7 5 50 40 10 9 216 823 476 429 850 93 18 975 862
Output: 1 5 7 10 40 50 18 93 216 429 476 823 850 862 975
Explanation: Testcase 1: The BST for the given post order traversal is:
Thus the inorder traversal of BST is: 1 5 7 10 40 50.