Find the longest substring with k unique characters in a given string
Given a string you need to print longest possible substring that has exactly M unique characters. If there are more than one substring of longest possible length, then print any one of them.
"aabbcc", k = 1
Max substring can be any one from {"aa" , "bb" , "cc"}.
"aabbcc", k = 2
Max substring can be any one from {"aabb" , "bbcc"}.
"aabbcc", k = 3
There are substrings with exactly 3 unique characters
{"aabbcc" , "abbcc" , "aabbc" , "abbc" }
Max is "aabbcc" with length 6.
"aaabbb", k = 3
There are only two unique characters, thus show error message.
classSolution {publicintlengthOfLongestSubstringKDistinct(String str,int k) {if (k ==0||str.length() ==0)return"";HashMap<Character,Integer> map =newHashMap<>();int start =0, unique =0;int maxLen =0, maxStart =-1;for (int i =0; i <str.length(); i++) {char x =str.charAt(i);if (!map.containsKey(x) ||map.get(x) ==0) unique++;map.put(x,map.getOrDefault(x,0) +1);// Removing characters from start of our window until the number// of unique chars > Kwhile (unique > k) {map.put(str.charAt(start),map.get(str.charAt(start)) -1);if (map.get(str.charAt(start)) ==0) {map.remove(str.charAt(start)); unique--; } start++; }if (unique == K && (i - start +1) > maxLen) { maxLen = i - start +1; maxStart = start; } }return maxStart ==-1?"":str.substring(maxStart, maxStart + maxLen); }}