Consider a highway of M miles. The task is to place billboards on the highway such that revenue is maximized. The possible sites for billboards are given by number x1 < x2 < ….. < xn-1 < xn, specifying positions in miles measured from one end of the road. If we place a billboard at position xi, we receive a revenue of ri > 0. There is a restriction that no two billboards can be placed within t miles or less than it.
Note : All possible sites from x1 to xn are in range from 0 to M as need to place billboards on a highway of M miles.
Input : M = 20
x[] = {6, 7, 12, 13, 14}
revenue[] = {5, 6, 5, 3, 1}
t = 5
Output: 10
By placing two billboards at 6 miles and 12
miles will produce the maximum revenue of 10.
Input : M = 15
x[] = {6, 9, 12, 14}
revenue[] = {5, 6, 3, 7}
t = 2
Output : 18
classSolution {// Only take care on left, and keep moving rightpublicstaticintbillboard(int M,int[] Position,int[] Profit,int minDist) {// left[i] -> Stores the closest index on left// which is at a distance > minDistint[] left =newint[Position.length]; left[0] =-1;int behind =0;for (int i =1; i <Position.length; i++) {while (Position[i] -Position[behind] > minDist) behind++; left[i] = behind -1; }// dp[i] -> Max profit for the first 'i' billboardsint[] dp =newint[Position.length];// Base case dp[0] =Profit[0];for (int i =1; i <Position.length; i++) {// If we dont make a billboard at ith position dp[i] = dp[i -1];// If we try to make a billboard at ith positionif (left[i] !=-1) dp[i] =Math.max(dp[i], dp[left[i]] +Profit[i]); }return dp[Position.length-1]; }}