Find Height of Binary Tree represented by Parent array
A given array represents a tree in such a way that the array value gives the parent node of that particular index. The value of the root node index would always be -1. Find the height of the tree.
Height of a Binary Tree is number of nodes on the path from root to the deepest leaf node, the number includes both root and leaf.
Input: parent[] = {1 5 5 2 2 -1 3}
Output: 4
The given array represents following Binary Tree
/ \
1 2
/ / \
0 3 4
Input: parent[] = {-1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 5};
Output: 5
The given array represents following Binary Tree
/ \
1 2
/ \
3 4
class Solution {
public int solve(int[] arr) {
int[] depth = new int[arr.length];
int max = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
depth[i] = fillDepth(arr, depth, i);
max = Math.max(max, depth[i]);
return max;
public int fillDepth(int[] arr, int[] depth, int index) {
if (arr[index] == -1)
depth[index] = 0;
else if (depth[index] == 0)
depth[index] = 1 + fillDepth(arr, depth, arr[index]);
return depth[index];