Given a matrix of integers A of size N x M in which each row is sorted.
Find an return the overall median of the matrix A.
Note: No extra memory is allowed.
Note: Rows are numbered from top to bottom and columns are numbered from left to right.
Input Format
The first and only argument given is the integer matrix A.
Output Format
Return the overall median of the matrix A.
1 <= N, M <= 10^5
1 <= N*M <= 10^6
1 <= A[i] <= 10^9
N*M is odd
For Example
Input 1:
A = [ [1, 3, 5],
[2, 6, 9],
[3, 6, 9] ]
Output 1:
Explanation 1:
A = [1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 6, 9, 9]
Median is 5. So, we return 5.
Input 2:
A = [ [5, 17, 100] ]
Output 2:
publicclassSolution {publicintfindMedian(int[][] A) {int r =A.length, c =A[0].length;int min =Integer.MAX_VALUE, max =Integer.MIN_VALUE;for (int i =0; i < r; i++) { min =Math.min(min,A[i][0]); max =Math.max(max,A[i][c -1]); }// A median has (r*c/2) + 1 elements <= median (Including median)int desired =1+ (r * c) /2;while (min < max) {int mid = (min + max) /2;// Find number of elements <= mid// We can reduce this step to RlogC, but it is not required hereint count =smallerNumbers(mid, A);if (count < desired) min = mid +1;else max = mid; }return min; }publicintsmallerNumbers(int k,int[][] A) {int r =A.length, c =A[0].length;int counter =0;for (int i =0; i < r; i++)for (int j =0; j < c; j++)if (A[i][j] <= k) counter = counter +1;return counter; }}