A board of length m and width n is given, we need to break this board into m*n squares such that cost of breaking is minimum. cutting cost for each edge will be given for the board. In short we need to choose such a sequence of cutting such that cost is minimized.
For above board optimal way to cut into square is:
Total minimum cost in above case is 42. It is
evaluated using following steps.
Initial Value : Total_cost = 0
Total_cost = Total_cost + edge_cost * total_pieces
Cost 4 Horizontal cut Cost = 0 + 4*1 = 4
Cost 4 Vertical cut Cost = 4 + 4*2 = 12
Cost 3 Vertical cut Cost = 12 + 3*2 = 18
Cost 2 Horizontal cut Cost = 18 + 2*3 = 24
Cost 2 Vertical cut Cost = 24 + 2*3 = 30
Cost 1 Horizontal cut Cost = 30 + 1*4 = 34
Cost 1 Vertical cut Cost = 34 + 1*4 = 38
Cost 1 Vertical cut Cost = 38 + 1*4 = 42
// we perform cuts on highest cost edge as early as possibleclassSolution {publicintminimumCostOfBreaking(IntegerX[],IntegerY[],int m,int n) {int res =0;// sort the horizontal cost in reverse orderArrays.sort(X,Collections.reverseOrder());// sort the vertical cost in reverse orderArrays.sort(Y,Collections.reverseOrder());// initialize current width as 1int horizontalPieces =1, verticalPieces =1;// loop untill one or both// cost array are processedint i =0, j =0;while (i < m && j < n) {if (X[i] >Y[j]) { res +=X[i] * verticalPieces; horizontalPieces++; i++; } else { res +=Y[j] * horizontalPieces; verticalPieces++; j++; } }int total =0;while (i < m) total +=X[i++]; res += total * verticalPieces; total =0;while (j < n) total +=Y[j++]; res += total * horizontalPieces;return res; }}