Graphs, BFS & DFS

DFSBFSFind if there is a path between two vertices in a undirected graphValid PathClone GraphCheck if given undirected graph is connected or notConnected Components in an undirected graphNumber of IslandsSurrounded RegionsFox And Two Dots3 CycleFind the shortest path between two vertices in an undirected graphCourse ScheduleWord SearchMSTDijkstraIs Graph Bipartite?Redundant ConnectionRedundant Connection IIWord LadderWord Ladder IIAs Far from Land as PossibleCommutable IslandsCount Servers that CommunicateStrongly Connected ComponentsCourse Schedule IIBlack ShapesWord Search BoardWord Search IIKnight On Chess BoardSmallest Multiple With 0 and 1Stepping NumbersNumber of Closed IslandsMinesweeperShortest BridgeFriend CirclesNetwork Delay TimeNumber of EnclavesMost Stones Removed with Same Row or ColumnTime Needed to Inform All EmployeesOpen the LockCritical Connections in a NetworkRotting OrangesAccounts MergePossible BipartitionPath with Maximum GoldReorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City ZeroCourse Schedule IVBus RoutesMinimum cost to connect citiesCheapest Flights Within K StopsMinimum Height TreesEvaluate DivisionKeys and RoomsFind the Town JudgeShortest Path with Alternating ColorsCheck if There is a Valid Path in a GridReconstruct ItinerarySnakes and LaddersShortest Path in Binary Matrix01 MatrixPacific Atlantic Water FlowColoring A BorderChef and ReversingOptimize Water Distribution in a VillageNumber of Operations to Make Network ConnectedMother VertexNumber of Islands IINumber of Distinct IslandsRegions Cut By SlashesSatisfiability of Equality EquationsJob Sequencing Problem (Using DSU)Sentence Similarity IISort Items by Groups Respecting DependenciesEulerian path and circuit for undirected graphEulerian path and circuit for directed graphMaking A Large IslandShortest Distance from All BuildingsAlphabet Board PathGraph Valid TreeAlien DictionarySimilar String GroupsWalls and GatesK-Similar StringsSliding PuzzleMinimum number of swaps required to sort an arrayMinimize Malware SpreadArticulation Points (or Cut Vertices) in a GraphDoctor StrangeCastle RUNFind the Maximum FlowAll Paths from Source Lead to DestinationJump Game IVCut Off Trees for Golf EventFind Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning TreeDetect Cycles in 2D GridFind Latest Group of Size MMinimum Number of Days to Disconnect Island

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