Given an array A with non negative numbers, divide the array into two parts such that the average of both the parts is equal.
Return both parts (If exist). If there is no solution. return an empty list.
NOTE: If a solution exists, you should return a list of exactly 2 lists of integers A and B which follow the following condition :
numElements in A <= numElements in B
If numElements in A = numElements in B, then A is lexicographically smaller than B ( )
If multiple solutions exist, return the solution where length(A) is minimum. If there is still a tie, return the one where A is lexicographically smallest.
Array will contain only non negative numbers.
**Input Format**
First andonly argument is an integer array A.
**Output Format**
Return 2D array consisting of two rows where each row denoted a partition.
**Example Input**
Input 1:
A = [1 7 15 29 11 9]
Example Output
Output 1:
[9 15] [1 7 11 29]
Example Explanation
Explanation 1:
The average of part is (15+9)/2 = 12, average of second part elements is (1 + 7 + 11 + 29) / 4 = 12
packageQuestions;importjava.util.*;classSolution {// mem[i][j][k]==0 -> unknown answer// mem[i][j][k]==1 -> answer True// mem[i][j][k]==2 -> answer False// mem[i][j][k] -> Whether it is possible to form a subset// of length -> j , sum -> k , from sub-array -> [i,length)byte[][][] mem;publicArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> avgset(ArrayList<Integer> arrA) {int lenA =arrA.size();if (lenA <=1)returnnewArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();// Sorting the array because we want answer to be sorted as wellCollections.sort(arrA);int sumA =0;for (int x : arrA) sumA += x; mem =newbyte[lenA][lenA /2+1][sumA +1];// We need to split A into B and C, the length of B can be [1, A.length / 2], we// consider them one by one:// B should have the same mean value as A, so sumB / lenOfB = sumA / lenOfA,// which is equivalent to sumB = sumA * lenOfB / lenOfA.// All elements here are integers, so sumB must be an integer, this gives// our first criteria (sumA * lenOfB) % A.length == 0.for (int lenB =1; lenB <=arrA.size() /2; ++lenB) {if (sumA * lenB % lenA !=0)continue;int needSum = sumA * lenB / lenA;if (isPossible(arrA,0, lenB, needSum)) {ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> ans =newArrayList<>();// List -> Bans.add(newArrayList<Integer>());// List -> Cans.add(newArrayList<Integer>());for (int j =0; j < lenA; j++) {int x =arrA.get(j);if (ans.get(0).size() < lenB) {// if answer is possible if we include x in arrB// O(1) Time because of memoizationif (isPossible(arrA, j +1, lenB -ans.get(0).size() -1, needSum - x)) {ans.get(0).add(x); needSum -= x; } elseans.get(1).add(x); } else {ans.get(1).add(arrA.get(j)); } }return ans; } }returnnewArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(); }// To check whether we can form a subset of length -> lenB and sum = needSumpublicbooleanisPossible(List<Integer> arrA,int fromIndex,int len,int sum) {if (sum ==0&& len ==0&& fromIndex <=arrA.size())returntrue;if (sum <=0|| fromIndex >=arrA.size() || len >arrA.size() - fromIndex || len <=0)returnfalse;// If answer already existsif (mem[fromIndex][len][sum] !=0)return mem[fromIndex][len][sum] ==1;// 2 options// 1st -> Don't include the element at "index" in our needSum// 2nd -> Include the element at "index"if (isPossible(arrA, fromIndex +1, len, sum)||isPossible(arrA, fromIndex +1, len -1, sum -arrA.get(fromIndex))) { mem[fromIndex][len][sum] =1;returntrue; } mem[fromIndex][len][sum] =2;returnfalse; }}