Given an array S of n integers, are there elements a, b, c in S such that a + b + c = 0?
Find all unique triplets in the array which gives the sum of zero.
Elements in a triplet (a,b,c) must be in non-descending order. (ie, a ≤ b ≤ c)
The solution set must not contain duplicate triplets.
For example, given array S = {-1 0 1 2 -1 -4},
A solution set is:
(-1, 0, 1)(-1, -1, 2)
classSolution {publicArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> threeSum(ArrayList<Integer> nums) {ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> res =newArrayList<>();Collections.sort(nums);for (int i =0; i +2<nums.size(); i++) {if (i >0&&nums.get(i).compareTo(nums.get(i -1)) ==0) {continue; }int j = i +1, k =nums.size() -1;long target = (-1L) * (long) nums.get(i);// System.out.println(target);while (j < k) {if ((long) nums.get(j) + (long) nums.get(k) == target) {ArrayList<Integer> temp =newArrayList<>();temp.addAll(Arrays.asList(nums.get(i),nums.get(j),nums.get(k)));Collections.sort(temp);res.add(temp); j++; k--;while (j < k &&nums.get(j).compareTo(nums.get(j -1)) ==0) j++; // skip same resultwhile (j < k &&nums.get(k).compareTo(nums.get(k +1)) ==0) k--; // skip same result } elseif (nums.get(j) +nums.get(k) > target) { k--; } else { j++; } } }return res; }}