Given n orders, each order consist in pickup and delivery services.
Count all valid pickup/delivery possible sequences such that delivery(i) is always after of pickup(i).
Since the answer may be too large, return it modulo 10^9 + 7.
Example 1:
Input: n = 1
Output: 1
Explanation: Unique order (P1, D1), Delivery 1 always is after of Pickup 1.
Example 2:
Input: n = 2
Output: 6
Explanation: All possible orders:
(P1,P2,D1,D2), (P1,P2,D2,D1), (P1,D1,P2,D2), (P2,P1,D1,D2), (P2,P1,D2,D1) and (P2,D2,P1,D1).
This is an invalid order (P1,D2,P2,D1) because Pickup 2 is after of Delivery 2.
Example 3:
Input: n = 3
Output: 90
1 <= n <= 500
// Case: n = 1// Result: 1 (P1 D1)// Case: n = 2// Place P2 D2 to 1 result from case n=1: (__ P1 __ D1 __), there are 3 spaces to place to// The result will be:// (P2 D2 P1 D1) (P2 P1 D2 D1) (P2 P1 D1 D2)// (P1 P2 D2 D1) (P1 P2 D1 D2)// (P1 D1 P2 D2)// We can come up with the formula// spaceNum = (n-1)*2 + 1// result = 1 + 2 + ... + spaceNum = spaceNum * (spaceNum+1) / 2// Hence,// spaceNum = (n-1)*2 + 1 = 3// result = spaceNum * (spaceNum+1) / 2 = 3 * 4 / 2 = 6// Result: 6// Case: n = 3// Place P3 D3 to 6 results from case n=2: (__ P2 __ D2 __ P1 __ D1 __), (__ P2 __ P1 __ D2 __ D1 __),..., (__ P1 __ D1 __ P2 __ D2 __)// Hence,// spaceNum = (n-1)*2 + 1 = 5// result = spaceNum * (spaceNum+1) / 2 = 5 * 6 / 2 = 15// Apply this P3 D3 place to 6 results from case n = 2// result = 15 * 6 = 90classSolution {publicintcountOrders(int n) {long MODULO = (long) (1e9+7);long ans =1;for (int i =2; i <= n; i++) {int spaceNum = (i -1) *2+1; ans *= spaceNum * (spaceNum +1) /2; ans %= MODULO; }return (int) ans; }}