Check whether BST contains Dead End or not

Given a Binary search Tree that contains positive integer values greater then 0. The task is to check whether the BST contains a dead end or not. Here Dead End means, we are not able to insert any element after that node.


Input :        8
             /   \ 
           5      9
         /   \
        2     7
Output : Yes
Explanation : Node "1" is the dead End because
         after that we cant insert any element.       

Input :       8
            /   \ 
           7     10
         /      /   \
        2      9     13

Output : Yes
Explanation : We can't insert any element at node 9.  
class Solution {
    public boolean bstDeadEnd(Node node, int min, int max) {
        if (node == null)
            return false;
        if ( == min && == max)
            return true;
        return bstDeadEnd(node.left, min, - 1) || bstDeadEnd(node.right, + 1, max);

    public boolean deadEnd(Node node) {
        // As the given BST can only have positive Integers
        return bstDeadEnd(node, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

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