Low-Level Design (LLD) for an Application like Uber (Ride-Hailing Service)
In this Low-Level Design (LLD) for a Ride-Hailing Service like Uber, we will focus on core functionality such as rider management, driver management, ride matching, ride tracking, pricing, and notifications. We'll also employ design patterns to ensure that the system is maintainable and scalable.
We will discuss the following key questions for designing the system:
Entities and Relationships: What are the entities involved in this application? How do they relate to each other?
User Management: How will we manage riders and drivers?
Ride Matching: How will the system match riders with available drivers?
Pricing: How will the fare be calculated based on distance, time, and type of ride?
Notification System: How will the system notify users (riders and drivers) about ride requests, cancellations, or other important events?
Ride Tracking: How will the system track the status and location of ongoing rides?
Key Components
User Management: For managing riders and drivers.
Ride Management: To handle ride requests, ride status, and ride completion.
Ride Matching: Algorithm to match riders with nearby available drivers.
Pricing Engine: For calculating the fare for a ride.
Notification System: To send updates to users about ride status.
Location Tracking: To track the location of drivers and riders in real-time.
Design Patterns Used
Factory Pattern: For creating user objects (Riders, Drivers).
Strategy Pattern: For different pricing models.
Observer Pattern: For notifying riders and drivers about ride updates.
Command Pattern: For processing actions such as ride requests, cancellations, and updates.
Singleton Pattern: For managing shared resources like the RideMatchingEngine and NotificationService.
Classes and Data Structures
1. User Class (Abstract Class)
We will create an abstract User class, which will be extended by Rider and Driver.
abstract class User {
protected String name;
protected String phoneNumber;
protected String email;
public User(String name, String phoneNumber, String email) {
this.name = name;
this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
this.email = email;
public abstract void performAction();
class Rider extends User {
private String location;
public Rider(String name, String phoneNumber, String email, String location) {
super(name, phoneNumber, email);
this.location = location;
public void performAction() {
System.out.println(name + " is looking for a ride.");
public String getLocation() {
return location;
class Driver extends User {
private String location;
private boolean isAvailable;
public Driver(String name, String phoneNumber, String email, String location) {
super(name, phoneNumber, email);
this.location = location;
this.isAvailable = true; // Driver is initially available
public void performAction() {
System.out.println(name + " is available to take rides.");
public String getLocation() {
return location;
public boolean isAvailable() {
return isAvailable;
public void setAvailability(boolean isAvailable) {
this.isAvailable = isAvailable;
2. UserFactory Class (Factory Pattern)
The UserFactory class implements the Factory Pattern to create instances of Rider and Driver.
class UserFactory {
public static User createUser(String type, String name, String phoneNumber, String email, String location) {
switch (type) {
case "Rider":
return new Rider(name, phoneNumber, email, location);
case "Driver":
return new Driver(name, phoneNumber, email, location);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid user type");
3. Ride Class
The Ride class manages the details of each ride, including its status (requested, in-progress, completed, etc.).
public class UberApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create users using the factory
Rider rider = (Rider) UserFactory.createUser("Rider", "John", "1234567890", "john@example.com", "Location A");
Driver driver = (Driver) UserFactory.createUser("Driver", "Alex", "0987654321", "alex@example.com", "Location B");
// Create a notification system
NotificationSystem notificationSystem = new NotificationSystem();
notificationSystem.addObserver(new RiderObserver(rider));
notificationSystem.addObserver(new DriverObserver(driver));
// Create ride matching engine
RideMatchingEngine rideMatchingEngine = RideMatchingEngine.getInstance();
// Create and execute ride request command
Command rideRequestCommand = new RideRequestCommand(rideMatchingEngine, rider, List.of(driver), notificationSystem);
Explanation of Design Patterns Used
Factory Pattern:
The UserFactory class dynamically creates Rider and Driver objects based on input.
Strategy Pattern:
The PricingStrategy interface and its implementations (StandardPricingStrategy, SurgePricingStrategy) allow different pricing strategies to be applied.
Observer Pattern:
The NotificationSystem uses the Observer pattern to notify Rider and Driver observers about ride updates.
Command Pattern:
The Command interface and RideRequestCommand class encapsulate the logic for requesting rides, improving modularity and flexibility.
Singleton Pattern:
The RideMatchingEngine is implemented as a Singleton to ensure that there is only one instance managing ride matching.
This Low-Level Design of the Uber-like Application handles core functionality such as user management, ride matching, pricing, notifications, and ride tracking efficiently using design patterns like Factory, Strategy, Observer, Command, and Singleton. This design ensures scalability, maintainability, and flexibility, allowing future features such as dynamic pricing or multi-ride requests to be easily integrated.