Moving ants
Problem Statement
There are NN little ants moving on the x-axis. Each ant ii starts moving at time 0 toward a piece of sugar located at x-coordinate DD. Ant ii begins at position PiP_i on the x-axis, moving at a constant speed SiS_i units. All ants start moving at the same time.
A group of ants moving at the same speed from the same position is known as an ant colony. When two or more ants meet at some position, they merge into one ant colony and continue to move toward the piece of sugar with a new speed that is the minimum of all speeds of the ants that merged. If multiple ants (or colonies) reach the piece of sugar at exactly the same time, they are considered one single colony upon arrival.
You need to determine how many ant colonies cross the piece of sugar at DD.
Input Format
An integer TT — the number of test cases (where 1≤T≤101 \le T \le 10).
For each test case:
An integer NN — the number of ants (1≤N≤105)(1 \le N \le 10^5).
An integer DD — the position of the piece of sugar (1≤D≤109)(1 \le D \le 10^9).
A line containing NN integers P1,P2,…,PNP_1, P_2, \ldots, P_N — the initial positions of the ants. (1≤Pi≤1091 \le P_i \le 10^9, and all PiP_i are distinct, and max(Pi)≤D\max(P_i) \le D.)
A line containing NN integers S1,S2,…,SNS_1, S_2, \ldots, S_N — the speeds of the ants (1≤Si≤109)(1 \le S_i \le 10^9).
Output Format
For each test case, print a single integer — the total number of ant colonies that cross the piece of sugar.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Explanation of the Sample
Number of Test Cases: T=1T = 1
Number of Ants: N=3N = 3
Sugar Position: D=7D = 7
Ant Positions: P=(4,5,1)P = (4, 5, 1)
Ant Speeds: S=(4,1,5)S = (4, 1, 5)
Approach (as described in the images): Ant 1 (position 4, speed 4) and Ant 2 (position 5, speed 1) collide somewhere between x=5 and x=6, forming one colony. Then, this colony collides again at x=6 with Ant 3 (position 1, speed 5), merging all ants into a single colony. Thus, only 1 colony ultimately reaches D=7D=7.
All ants move at a constant speed until they merge, after which they adopt the colony’s minimum speed.
If multiple ants reach the sugar at the exact same time, they are treated as a single colony.
You are to implement a function (often named solve
in competitive programming) that, given NN, DD, arrays PP and SS, computes the final number of colonies crossing the sugar.
Key Points
Partition Ants by Side
Ants with position < DD are considered on the left side, traveling right.
Ants with position > DD are considered on the right side, traveling left.
(If an ant starts exactly at DD, it’s already at the sugar and can be considered its own colony, or you can merge them as needed.)
Compute Arrival Times
For an ant at position pp with speed ss, the arrival time to DD is ∣p−D∣/s\lvert p - D \rvert / s.
Car-Fleet Merging Logic
Left side: sort ants by position in descending order (closest to DD first).
Right side: sort ants by position in ascending order (closest to DD first).
For each side, we iterate over the ants in sorted order and maintain a stack (list) of distinct arrival times.
If the new ant’s arrival time ≤\le the top of the stack, it merges with that colony.
Otherwise, it starts a new colony (push its arrival time).
Unify Arrival Times from Both Sides
Once we have the final set of colony arrival times for the left side and the right side, we unify them in a single set.
If a time tt appears on both sides, that indicates ants from the left and right arrive simultaneously, merging into a single colony at DD.
The number of distinct arrival times in the unified set is the total number of colonies crossing DD.
Below is the Java code demonstrating this approach:
Partitioning by Side
We gather all ants on the left (positions < DD) into
and all ants on the right (positions > DD) intorightAnts
. Ants exactly at DD can be treated as an immediate single colony (or arrival time = 0).
Left side: Sort descending by position (largest position first).
Right side: Sort ascending by position (smallest position first).
Merge Arrival Times
The function
uses the “car fleet” logic for each side:We compute each ant’s arrival time to DD.
We maintain a
(list) of final arrival times for distinct colonies.If a new arrival time is less than or equal the top of the stack, it merges with that colony (no new entry).
Otherwise, it forms a new colony (append a new entry).
Unifying Both Sides
After we get final arrival times for left side and right side, we unify them in a
. If a time appears in both, that indicates the left colony and right colony arrive at DD simultaneously, forming one single colony at DD.The size of this set is the total number of distinct colonies crossing DD.
Handling Edge Cases
If an ant is exactly at DD, it’s an immediate single colony. You could track that as
arrivalTime = 0
or handle separately.If ants can have zero speed or negative speed, that’s a different scenario. Typically we assume positive speeds.
Sorting each side is O(NlogN)O(N \log N) in the worst case.
The merging pass is O(N)O(N).
Overall complexity: O(NlogN)O(N \log N).
Pros and Cons of This Extended Approach
Handles ants on both sides of DD.
Correctly merges arrival times if ants from opposite sides arrive simultaneously.
Maintains the same O(NlogN)O(N \log N) time complexity.
Slightly more code to handle partitioning and unify final arrival times.
If ants can pass DD or have more complex interactions (like turning around), more logic is needed.
With this updated approach, the code can handle the scenario where DD is between the ant positions—some ants on the left, some on the right—and unify them if they arrive at DD at exactly the same time.
Last updated